
Buy Equipoise Boldenone 250 mg ml Injection

Buy Equipoise Boldenone 250 mg ml Injection

Boldenone (Equipoise) is an injectable anabolic steroid with an ester of Undecylenate attached to it, making it a potent anabolic with extended blood release and a long half-life. Boldenone is a testosterone derivative that retains the anabolic effect of testosterone but has a low androgenic effect. The steroid is successfully used in cycles aimed at gaining lean muscle mass, to improve definition, the quality of muscles and increase the strength capabilities of athletes.

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  • The Undecylenate ester allows for a peak release in Boldenone approximately 3-4 days after injection, with a slow continuous release of the hormone to follow for approximately 21 days.
  • Over time, it found its way into the realm of human performance enhancement due to its anabolic effects.

There is an additional double bond, and that reduces the atherogenicity along with also the estrogenic effects. Even the Undecylenate ester is precisely what it bonds to, and that controls the way the hormone has been released once it is in the entire body. The summit for the release is approximately 3 or 4 days after Boldenone Undecylenate was injected. For the next 3 months, the agency will always release a small amount of the hormone into your body from one injection. Against the background of steroid intake, the blood picture changes – the number of red blood cells increases.

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Users should also consider post-cycle therapy to restore natural hormone levels. Equipoise is commonly used during cutting and bulking cycles to support muscle development and improve overall physique. It is also known for its positive impact on endurance and stamina.

Due to the low propensity for aromatization, Boldenone practically does not retain water in the body. It is this fact that makes it possible to use this steroid for a quality muscle mass. But in dihydrotestosterone the drug can not be converted, which is a positive property.

Additional information

This modification made boldenone just as strong as testosterone when looking at its anabolic properties, while the androgenic properties of the drug are half as strong. By using you confirm that you are 21 years or older. It also means that content is published only with informational reasons. Determination of the diagnosis, mode of use, dosages of active substance must be advised with your doctor. The company is not responsible for the possible negative consequences of the problems encountered by . Responsible use of Boldenone involves adhering to recommended dosages and cycle lengths to mitigate the risk of adverse effects.

  • That’s why, all brands you can find are going through a strict quality review.
  • The recommended dosage for men is 200 to 400mg on a weekly basis.
  • Boldenone is often used to avoid detection in wrestling, powerlifting and the Olympics.
  • Equipose is a brand name for Equipoise, and 10ml or 20ml vials can be purchased as desired with shipments arriving within 24 hours across America.
  • For high-quality Boldenone Undecylenate and expert support, choose Sciroxx as your trusted supplier.
  • Equipose 300 is an injectable steroid that contains 300mg of the hormone, Boldenone Undeclynate.

Equipoise, also known as Boldenone Undecylenate or EQ, is a veterinarian steroid developed by CIBA, to be a form of long-acting injectable dianabol. In general, EQ comes in an oil suspension that can be injected into animals every 6 weeks. There are no legitimate version of Boldenone Undecylenate approved by any government anywhere in the world for human use. All of the Equipoise on the market is either from approved veterinarian labs or made in an underground laboratories meant for the black market.

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In comparison to Primobolan, Boldenone is a more effective mass and strength builder, albeit with slightly higher water retention and side effects. Many people praise this product’s ability to protect lean muscle tissue when taken as part of this phase, and they use it primarily for this purpose. One of the added benefits of using it during a cut is that strength levels are dramatically increased compared to cutting without it in conjunction with muscle mass being spared. It helps you lose body fat real fast even as it protects the lean muscle mass. But for effective fat loss, you must have a significant caloric deficit – without that, no steroid can really work. Equipoise, also referred to as Boldenone Undecylenate, is a synthetic derivative of testosterone.

The half-life of this steroid is around fourteen days, providing a slower release and activity of the hormone. Boldenone is fat-soluble, which allows it to permeate through the lipophilic environment in the body and have a quick absorption rate in the bloodstream. Also it increases muscle mass and also improves overall muscle strength. It decreases the levels of Estrogen, which results in the development of leaner muscles. However, the maximum effect of the drug depends on its pharmacological form.

Buy Boldenone Undecylenate

It was initially developed for veterinary use to promote muscle growth in horses. Over time, it found its way into the realm of human performance enhancement due to its anabolic effects. The purpose of our online Alpha Pharma store is to resell high-quality anabolic steroids at a reasonable price. The effects of the drug are enhanced by the ether Undecylenate, which is in the blood for about three weeks. Most users will split the dosages in half and administer on Monday and Thursday of every week.


Almost any steroid can disrupt the balance of lipoprotein compounds, including Boldenone. Due to the fall in the level of “good” cholesterol, the risks of developing atherosclerosis are increasing. However, this applies only to large doses that are used in professional sports. It should be noted that in this situation, the estrogen activity of Equipoise can be considered a positive factor.

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